ARIES: General stars will make you courgeou.Profesionally it will keep you active.You will overcome
your enemies.
TAURUS: Business tours may provide you better results. Increase in income may be seen.
GEMINI: Business income may increase and you may get the desired results.
CANCER: Period is not so favourable,take care of your health.Also be careful in financial dealings.
LEO: Period is good for financial matters.You may gain in name and fame also.
VIRGO: Keep control on your language,otherwise you may face problems.
LIBRA: Financially, period is good. Spiritually,you may feel good.
SCORPIO: Take care of health,and avoid journeys if possible.
SAGITTARIOUS: Business conditios are favourable.You may get better results for the efforts.
CAPRICORN: Enemies may disturb you.Do not underestimate your enemies.
ACUARIOUS: Period is very favourable.It may provide you confidence and may overcome your enemies.
PISCES: Try to be calm .Avoid struggles in family matters.